Author = Mohammad Reza Nassiri
The Effect of Feeding Different Levels of Mineral Biochar on Performance, Blood Parameters, Production and Milk Composition of Holstein Dairy Cows

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 September 2023


Ali Khatibi Bardsiri; Reza Valizadeh; Seyed Hadi Ebrahimi; Pirouz Shakeri; Abbas Ali Naserian

Effects of Flushing Diets Containing Whole Flaked Raw and Micronized Rapeseed on Reproductive Performance of Mature Kurdish Ewes

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 April 2024


Zohreh Zarnegar; Syed Hadi Ebrahimi; Reza Valizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian

Effect of Starter Feed Starch Level on Body Parameters, Blood Metabolites and Functional Parameters of Holstein Dairy Calves

Volume 16, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 29-38


Amir Ali Mahdavi Shahri; Abbas Ali Naserian; Reza Valizadeh; Seyed Hadi Ebrahimi; Amin Darzi lemraski

Effect of Short-Term Supplementation of N-3 PUFA on the Acute Phase Response of Holstein Calves

Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 471-486


saeid kamel Oroumieh; Reza Valizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian

Influence of Ruminal Pistachio By-products Aqueous Extract infusion on Nitrogen Balance and Rumen Fermentation Parameters in Baluchi male Sheep

Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 135-149


Hamid Taghavi; Abbas Ali Naserian; Reza Valizadeh; Ahmad Asoodeh; Alireza Haghparast

Effects of Weaning Age on Production and Economic Performance of Baluchi Ewe and Lamb

Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2019, Pages 435-447


Majid Jafari; Reza Valizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian

Effect of Live Bacterial Cultures on In Vitro Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation Parameters

Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 311-323


javad bayatkouhsar; Abdolmansoor Tahmasbi; Abbas Ali Naserian; Reza Valizadeh; Rashid Safari

Role of Dietary Zinc Supplementation on Performance of Fattening Lamb: A Meta-Analysis

Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 325-338


Neda Naghdi; Reza Valizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian; Ahmad Asoodeh

Determination of coated urea releasing in ruminant’s rumen through in vivo and in vitro studies

Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2019, Pages 179-193


MITRA MAZINANI; Abbas Ali Naserian; Mohsen Danesh Mesgaran; Reza Valizadeh

The Effect of Organic and Inorganic Aflatoxin B1 Absorbents on in Vitro Digestibility and Rumen Fermentation Characteristics

Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 413-423


saeedeh assadzadeh heravi; Abdolmansour Tahmasebi; Abbas Ali Naserian; Reza Valizadeh

Performance and Physiological Response to Transportation Stress of Baluchi Ewe Lambs Fed Selenium-methionine and Chromium-methionine Supplements

Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 1-10


Amir Mousaie; Reza Valizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian; Mohammad Heidarpour; Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi

Study of Carbohydrate and Protein Fractions in Different Barley Cultivars Using Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS)

Volume 8, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 541-552


Hojjat Gholizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian; Reza Valizadeh; Abdolmansour Tahmasebi

Evaluation of a Dynamic Model of Nitrogen Metabolism in the Lactation

Volume 8, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 569-583


saeid kamel Orumieh; Abbas Ali Naserian; Reza Valizadeh; Fatemeh Helen Ghaneh; Mohammad Banayane Aval

Effect of Non-Fiber Carbohydrate on Performance Ability and Digestibility Characteristics of Nutrients in Lactating Dairy Cows

Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 1-12


saeid Kamel Orumieh; Abbas Ali Naserian; Reza Valizadeh; Fatemeh Helen Ghaneh; Mohammad Banayane Aval

Evaluation of Nutritive Value, Phenolic Compounds and in vitro Digestion Charactristics of Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris) Foliage

Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 227-237


Jalal Modaresi; Reza Valizadeh; Mohsen Danesh Mesgaran; Mohammad Hassan Fathi Nasri; Alireza Heravi Mosavi; Fatemeh Khosravi