Author = Reza Valizadeh
The effect of wheat straw substitution by different levels of date palm leaves on performance and health of Baluchi ewe lamb

Volume 7, Issue 4, December 2015, Pages 406-412


Reza Valizadeh; Amin Salahi; mahdi mahmoodi abyane; Mahmood Salemi

Nutritive value of wheat straw treated with gaseous or liquid ammonia trough nylon bag and in vitro gas production techniques

Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 257-266


Samad Sadeghi; Reza Valizadeh; Abasali naserian; Abdolmansoor Tahmasebi

Effect of microencapsulated fish oil on blood metabolites and rumen fatty acids in Sannan Lactating dairy goat

Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2014, Pages 239-247


Rashid Safari; Reza Valizadeh; Rasool Kadkhodaei; Abdolmansour Tahmasebi; Abbas Ali Naserian; Einollah Abdi Ghezeljeh

Determination of nutritional value of Salvia leriifolia for ruminant

Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2014


Reza Valizadeh; Rashid Safari; Seyed Ehsan Ghyasi; Hamid Reza Eshghizadeh

Growth Nutritive Value of Saffron Residues Harvested at Different Stages by in situ and in vitro (Gas Production) Methods

Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2014


Vahid Kardan Moghadam; Mohammad Hassan Fathi Nasri; Reza Valizadeh; Seyyed Homayoun Farhangfar

Effects of Chemical Inhibitors on Fermentation Pattern, Methanogenesis and Hydrogen Emission in Ruminal Batch Cultures

Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2014


Marzie Ghadami Koohestani; Reza Valizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian; Seyed Hadi Ebrahimi

Effect of Phosalone as an Organophosphate Pesticide with Different Levels of Bentonite on Fermentation Parameters of a TMR Ration According to in vitro Condition

Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2013, Pages 201-209


M. Kazemi; Abdolmansour Tahmasebi; Reza Valizadeh; Abbas Ali Naserian; R. Afshari; A. Sonei

Genetic Diversity in Four Microsatellite Loci BMS1915, BMS1350, LGB and ILSTS45 in Baluchi Sheep

Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2013


Reza Valizadeh; Mohammadreza Nassiry; Ali Asghar Aslaminejad; Gholam Reza Dashab; Davoud Ali Saghi; M. Gholizadeh

The Effect of asafetida Gum Extract on Blood Parameters and Histopathology of Testes in Male Wistar Rat

Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2012


Ali Reza Ayoubi; Javad Arshami; Reza Valizadeh; Zahra Mousavi; Amir Mousaie

Resistance of Microencapsulated Fish Oil in the Rumen and Its Effect on Gas Production and Rumen Degradability

Volume 4, Issue 3, October 2012


Rashid Safari; Reza Valizadeh; Rasoul Kadkhodaei; N. Alamolhodaei; Abdolmansour Tahmasebi; Abbas Ali Naserian