Introduction: Estrus synchronization is a valuable management tool that has been employed in enhancing reproductive efficiency in ewes. Synchronization of estrus and ovulation for fixed-time artificial insemination in sheep is mostly based on the insertion of intravaginal devices containing either progesterone CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release) inserts or progestagens (sponges impregnated with fluorogestone acetate (FGA) or medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP)). Intravaginal sponges are usually inserted over periods of 12 to 14 day and used together with eCG, particularly out of season, administered at the time of sponge withdrawal or 48 hours prior to sponge removal. It has now been indicated that shortening the duration of progesterone treatment with intravaginal instruments, while being effective in inducing estrus and ovulation, reduces the incidence of vaginal infections and consequently improves fertility. On the other hands, it has been reported that pregnancy rates of progestagen-synchronized ewes were lower during anestrus than during the breeding season. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the reproductive performance of indigenous ewes in Khanmirza city with short-term and long-term estrous synchronization programs accompanied by eCG during breeding and anestrous season. Moreover, efficacy of estradiol injection instead of gonadotropin during short-term progesterone treatment was evaluated in both seasons. Materials and Methods: The experiment was performed at two periods, during the breeding and the anestrus seasons on 2 different groups of 400 ewes. During each season, ewes (2 to 5 years of age and average body weight of 45±2.5 kg) were allocated to 4 groups of 100, in the way that each experimental group contained an equal number of ewes of a particular age. Experimental groups were: Control (without any synchronization program), Short term-estradiol group (ewes received 12 days progesterone treatment and intramuscular injection of 1mg estradiol benzoate at the time of sponge removal), Short term-eCG group (ewes received 12 days progesterone treatment and intramuscular injection of 400 IU eCG at the time of sponge removal) and Long term-eCG group (ewes received 14 days progesterone treatment and intramuscular injection of 400 IU eCG at the time of sponge removal). The progesterone treatment consisted on a vaginal sponge which contained 60 mg Medroxyprogesterone Acetate. Then, the ewes were placed in pens and one healthy ram was introduced for every 5 ewes, in order to detect heat and mating. Estrus signs were detected and recorded every hour for 5 days. The percentages of ewes that showed overt signs of estrus during a period of five days (estrus rate), estrus onset (the time elapsed between sponge removal and the first accepted mating) and pregnancy rate (The number of ewes without showing signs of estrous after 42 days of mating/total number of ewes×100) were recorded. Fecundity and prolificacy rate was calculated based on the number of lambs born. Lambs were monitored for 30 days after birth and deaths among them during this period were recorded against the ewes which were their mothers, and the survival rate was determined. The multiple birth rate was calculated by combining the twin and triplet birth rates. Results and Discussion: The results showed that reducing the duration of treatment with progesterone sponge in both trial period (autumn and spring) led to a significant reduction in estrus rate (P ≤ 0.05), but had no significant effect on other reproductive parameters (P > 0.05). Regardless of the season, injection of estradiol instead of eCG on sponge removal day, while increasing the estrus rate of ewes, led to a sharp increase in the rate of return to estrus (P ≤ 0.05) and caused decreases in the percentage of pregnant ewes, percentage of parturition ewes and lambing rate (P ≥ 0.05). In the breeding season, the mortality rate of lambs born from progesterone-synchronized ewes decreased and fecundity increased numerically compared to the corresponding group in breeding season group. Lack of possible effect of the anestrus season during synchronization programs on estrous rate and fertility of ewes can be attributed to optimal nutritional conditions of ewes in this season. Conclusion: Short term progesterone treatment (12 day) as well as injection of estradiol benzoate instead of eCG is not recommended to synchronize the estrous of ewes during both reproductive and anestrus seasons. In other words, short-term progesterone treatment (12 days) was not effective to synchronize estrus in breeding and anestrous sheep which can be attributed to follicular dynamics.
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Bahreini Behzadi, M. R. , Keshavarzpour, M. and Samadian, F. (2023). Investigation of Duration Use of Progesterone Sponges on Reproductive Performance in Sheep. Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research, 15(1), 123-135. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2022.75088.1066
Bahreini Behzadi, M. R. , , Keshavarzpour, M. , and Samadian, F. . "Investigation of Duration Use of Progesterone Sponges on Reproductive Performance in Sheep", Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research, 15, 1, 2023, 123-135. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2022.75088.1066
Bahreini Behzadi, M. R., Keshavarzpour, M., Samadian, F. (2023). 'Investigation of Duration Use of Progesterone Sponges on Reproductive Performance in Sheep', Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research, 15(1), pp. 123-135. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2022.75088.1066
M. R. Bahreini Behzadi , M. Keshavarzpour and F. Samadian, "Investigation of Duration Use of Progesterone Sponges on Reproductive Performance in Sheep," Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research, 15 1 (2023): 123-135, doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2022.75088.1066
Bahreini Behzadi, M. R., Keshavarzpour, M., Samadian, F. Investigation of Duration Use of Progesterone Sponges on Reproductive Performance in Sheep. Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research, 2023; 15(1): 123-135. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2022.75088.1066
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